CHAKRAS & Meridiens Kits

2x/j sur 10days = 120€
Balance & chakras opening Pour apporter l'harmonie entre chakra 24mn
- Chakra & organes, balance 19mn
Body Reconfiguration pour reconfigurer l'énergie corporelle 12mn
ELEMENTS & Polarity kit
2x/j on 10days = 160€
- Balange subtil large spectrum Facilite les autres équilibrages 26mn
- Balance of 5 body Éléments Terre - Métal - Eau - Bois - Feu 32mn
- Correction of polarity North-Sud and body flux électric 9mn
2fois/j sur 10j = 160€
Earth roots with flower essences 9mn
Energies roots balance 30mn
Balance with earth rythm puissante correction des énergies naturelles 18mn
2x/d on 10days = 150€
Balance 12 Méridiens 20mn
Prana Balance, circulation & improvemnt 18mn
Body Reconfigurations réorganise l'énergie corporelle 12mn
Correctiono of the polarité 9mn

These scalar care programs were invented by health professionals (USA, Russia, India) then converted into a quantum version of the informational type - in order to facilitate the message carried by the scalar waves which will amplify it and bring it to the chosen target Sources
These programs (drugs, plants, flowers, natural remedies, crystals, sound frequencies, ...), translated by computer and informations, must be sent twice a day over a period of 10 days minimum (or more if necessary).
There are immediate results for pain relief or insomnia treatments, sometimes longer for more subtle treatments (spiritual growth, memory improvement ...) or even for DNA treatments or cell reconfiguration.
It is possible to do several treatments at the same time within the limit of 1 hour so that the body can manage this information effectively.
Scalar waves are spiral shaped waves. They cross matter more easily because their wavelength is infinite (they do not vibrate), so they are not absorbed by matter but penetrate between atoms until they come into contact with the nucleus of the atom and therefore interfere on an internal level. In the quantum dimension (infinitely small), particles carry information, through air and faster than light. We program special information to target this or that problem to be solved and the scalar healing reaches the vital information field of the target to tune with it and integrate this new information as its own.